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7 Shields Of Preservation

Writer's picture: apexaeroacademyapexaeroacademy

(The Second in the Series-II of ‘The 7 Mavens of SOPs’)

By Dinesh P. Bhrushundi @ dbknowledgey


Profound Gratitude’s from ᵭᵱᵬ’the मितवा’ for Great Response to Series-I and a Grand Welcome to Series-II of ‘The 7 Mavens of SOPs’

As you know by now, ‘ᵭᵱᵬ’ is my initial and ‘मितवा’, a Marathi acronym for Friend, Philosopher and Guide, my humble role to ‘Sit Back and Give Back’, after 4 decades of career-cruise.

Series Title: ‘7 Mavens of SOPs’ is expression for instilling some of my learnings as “seven propositions in sets of seven SOPs (norms)”, befitting the human mental capacity and attention span.

When I joined a major auto MNC 4 years ago, I learnt the mnemonic “SPRQC-E” was used to represent the results of its Lean Enterprise Endeavors. ‘E’ for environment was apparently added later. Confessingly but at the same time pleasantly surprised I was, after 5 organizations and 25+ years of industrial association, to observe explicit focus on ‘E’ the Environment, in the results of an organization.

The world has changed a lot from then, Environment to holistic Ecology, and Ignorance to cognizance. However, the effects of the deeds of humankind are hazardously enormous, yet ever-increasing and destroying its own shelter, the mother Earth. It is now for each one of us to take the charge by using the 7Shields of Preservation of our Planet in whatever way and wherever possible. (See Fig.)

the effects of the deeds of humankind are hazardously enormous, yet ever-increasing and destroying its own shelter, the mother Earth. It is now for each one of us to take the charge by using the 7Shields of Preservation of our Planet in whatever way and wherever possible. (See Fig.)
(7 Shields Of Preservation)

There is no big thinking or preparation really required for this. We can begin here and now. Our simple actions can decrease the ecological footprint for PRESERVATION of our planet’s future. It is just a matter of modifying our thoughts, moderating our actions and thus mending our behaviors. Are we ready? We ought to be!

The top step in the ‘7Shields of Preservation’, is RESOLVE, which begins with the Recognition that we are privileged tenants of the Earth, Responsible to pay the Rent. This rent is our Resolve to Repair and Reverse the damage, degradation and destruction that our exploitation of Earth so far has caused. The set of next five steps below can be developed into a DIY type Repair Kit to Render the Reality to our Resolve:

The crux of the Shield 'REDUCE' is illustrated in this great quote-" Earth provides us enough to satisfy everyone’s needs but not everyone’s greed." If we can reduce our consumption just to meet our need, it will be a great contribution to our RESOLVE. If we adapt to Sustainable Lifestyle as the expert call, which is about effective usage of electricity, water, fossil fuel and type of food and amount of our transportation etc. we will do our bit to minimize our Personal Carbon Emission and Environmental Effect. REDUCE must precede with REFUSE in first place wherever possible and applicable. Goes a quote, “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.”

Our RESOLVE can be further Reinforced by embracing the REPLACE technique: Slow but sure poisoning effect of plastic (probably more plastic than fish by weight in oceans by 2050) on the planet can be curtailed by replacing single use plastic appropriately; Enhanced use of tele-commuting by telecommunication/conferencing over physical one; Electronic substitutes for paper; LED over conventional lighting must be adopted. Obvious increase in short-term benefits from exploiting ecosystem results in unnoticeable multiple increase in long-term costs to be borne by future generations. “A true preservationist remembers himself and reminds others that the world is not given by the fathers, but lent by the children.”

What logically follows is the ‘RECYCLE’ mode of properly grading, reclaiming and ridding the waste. As an ordinary but responsible citizen, the simplest and easiest way to be environment-friendly is the proper disposal of waste: by avoiding the unmindful throwing of garbage in drainage and waterways; by segregating biodegradable from non-biodegradable waste; by making a compost pit if possible for biodegradable waste, so it can fertilize the ground; by giving segregated waste to the garbage collector for recycling. Let the charity (and discipline) begin at our homes. RECYCLING the knowledge and awareness about the importance of the environment to our kids, family members and household help, is another key factor in showing our concern and care for the environment. Thus the present generation will learn to preserve the wealth of nature and leave a legacy for the future.

“Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to the people.”- Goes a quote and so true it is. RESTORE prompts us to arrest and REVERSE the degradation of forests to RE-ESTABLISH the sites to original structure and species and REFINING landscapes and its productivity. The beneficiaries are not only the human beings but the entire ecosystem. Coming from the former in many ways are: quality of soil, water and air, health of trees, underwood and habitats etc. The later compliments the existing forests in providing food, clean water and enhancing CDR (Carbon-Di-Oxide Removal). As a responsible Planetizen, we can oppose unwanted deforestations and support restoration. In our personal capacity we can plant a sampling each whenever possible, for the long liveable life of the planet as a CSR (Carbon sequestration and Removal) activity.

There was a reference somewhere some time, of water being probably the reason for World War III. This exaggeration to illustrate the scarcity of this vital resource, may become reality the way it is degrading and depleting. Rain Water Harvesting, an easiest way to save water is a practice to properly collect it to RECHARGE the ground water streams. It can be stored too but with appropriate arrangements and such non-potable water can be used to flush the toilet, water the plants and washing etc. Wasting perfectly clean potable water for above usage isn’t a sustainable practice, and should be avoided if possible, leaving the potable one for cooking and drinking. Reducing consumption by using tap-fountains, reusing the waste water for alternate requirement if feasible are other ways and means to Re(tain the)charge.

We will all agree that a pledge to “protect, preserve and pass on this genetic heritage for man and every other living thing in as good a condition as we received it” is pre-requisite for the privilege of occupying the planet. We can only do it if we REGULATE ourselves in more than many ways. The first is to subordinate all our actions to following the principles, rule and laws of the nature. Whenever there are protocols and procedure mandated by environmental authorities, we strictly abide by them. We should embed the 7Shields as a sacrosanct part of the daily routine and further expand them into suitable actions to combat the alarming global warming. Carbon-di-oxide exhaled by every living being and methane generated during putrefaction is its primary cause. Population overgrowth causes release of tons of these GHGs which also brings speedy depletion of resources causing extraction, extortion, exertion and exhaustion of earth. Thus it is imperative to REGULATE population. And finally we need to REGULATE the governments by voting for right leaders to invoke the 7Shields Of Preservation of the Planet.

I am reasonably reassured that the read will result in to research and reactions that will go long way in reparation and rehabilitation of our only shelter-the Earth.


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